Tools for solving tomorrow’s problems today
Our Story
Readiness Group’s strength lies in its story. It’s more of a purpose and a mission than it is a business. We are a trio of clinicians and a team of peers who have spent many hours working with individuals, families, and organizations in crisis…often wishing we could have intervened before crisis even occurred. We have had the fortune of learning from people facing all different challenges in life. From first responder, medical, education and aviation personnel dealing with trauma as a part of their job description, to families with children who are suicidal or are facing severe medical needs. We’ve walked paths with many individuals that most would think you can’t recover from. And do you know what we’ve learned? That human beings, families, and organizations are incredibly resilient. And that often the difference between coping and full overwhelm is simply awareness of the resources that are already within. So that is our mission. To build programs for individuals, families, and organizations that help to recognize those resources early, establish a buffer to enjoy life and respond to challenge when necessary, and to recover stronger from challenge on the other side.
Meet Brenda
Dr. Brenda Tillman, LPC-S, PhD
What is resiliency?
What an adventure this has been. Sometimes I stop and look back wondering how I got through what seemed to be momentous hurdles at the time…. And now… Here I am on the other side recognizing what got me here. There is a method to the process of making changes that work for you.
My adult journey started as a young mother and military wife living in Germany – looking for resources who understood the challenges I was facing. That is where my obsession with peer support began. It worked!! I found other young wives and mothers who faced the same challenges I did and capitalized on our similarities. Throughout Mike’s military career, Erika, Brett, Mike and I moved from Germany, to Florida, Georgia, California, the Philippines, Alaska and settled in Fort Worth, TX, now home. I wanted to understand more about this phenomenon of peering and resiliency, so I sought education through a Masters and LPC License in Counseling and finally a PhD in Counseling through TCU.
Education is eye-opening! However, working with military, first responders, and families dealing with PTSD has given me a true understanding of how this stuff impacts life. THIS I KNOW: Trauma happens and people are resilient. Given the knowledge and tools to protect others and ourselves from the long-term impacts of life and trauma, we can maintain joy, happiness, and health in relationships and life!!!!
Meet Erika
Dr. Erika Sallee, PT, DPT
What is health?
Health is a bit elusive, am I right?! Because truly, the answer to this question is very individualized from person-to-person. As a physical therapist, I work with individuals on their health every day. And as a wife, mom and daughter, I am constantly searching for the answer to that question for my own family. What have I learned throughout a lifetime of working in the physical health arena? That health is an ever-evolving balance and that physical health is far from the only solution. That is why I have joined forces with Brenda and Kelly. We hope to bring whole-person courses and content to you and your families that give you real-life strategies for finding the resources within your life that make sense for you.
So who am I? I am Erika Sallee, a licensed physical therapist in the state of Texas and a veteran from the United States Air Force. I am a wife to an Air Force pilot and a mom to two beautiful girls. I am on a quest to build and maintain my own family buffer in a world that seems to constantly want to intrude on that room for joy and purpose in our lives. Some days I win and some days I lose…but I find that the joy is truly found in the journey.
Meet Kelly
Kelly Guidry, LPC-S, PhD
What is family?
For me, the answer to this question is something that is ever-evolving. I was raised in a house full of love – love for what most would consider traditional family, but also love for neighbors and love for friends. I often heard my dad talking to his friends on the phone, and telling them that he loved them. So for me, family are the people in your life who support you, give you wise compassion, and without judgement, find ways to love you. Additionally, family are the people who can acknowledge their mistakes, point out your mistakes, and works together to rise above.
So who am I? I am Kelly Guidry. I am a daughter, a mother, a wife, a friend, and a confidant. By training, I’m a counselor, however, above all I strive to make connections that matter in life. Life has thrown me many curve balls and in some instances I have failed miserably. Through my failures I have become a stronger, more resilient version of myself. I have learned through life that no matter how significant my problem of the week may seem, I have the strength, determination, and support I need to flourish. My motto is bring life on!