Texas First Responder Resiliency Coalition
Serving Texas Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS & Dispatch
FRRP is now FRRC!
See Below to Learn More
FRRP is now FRRC! See Below to Learn More
Improve tactical and critical RESPONSE. We specialize in empowering your peer team to build a program that sustains resiliency at the cultural level. When a critical incident happens, your department will have a streamlined and culturally appropriate critical incident response plan that can be employed to enhance post-traumatic growth.
Ensure the READINESS of your team upstream of a critical incident. The focus here is resiliency before response. We provide physiologically-based workshops for all personnel, peer teams, leadership teams, and families that focus on empowering your people to own their wellness upstream of a critical incident.
Increase the odds of post-traumatic growth during RECOVERY. We believe in collaboration. And sometimes the next echelon of care is required. Our Community Partnership Process helps to identify the resources in YOUR community that can get YOUR people the appropriate level of care to perform their job and enjoy their lives.
We believe that resiliency resides within the strengths, stories, and camaraderie of the people in your organization, as well as the relationships they build within your local community. Our passion lies in helping your agency organize those resources into a program that puts resiliency at the ground level of your culture. Here’s how we help you do that:
The first echelon of care lies within the individual. Our goal is to help your personnel further their journey towards ongoing resiliency by building their Personal Resiliency Strategy. This includes recognizing the strengths, strategies and resources they already have, learning about the Science of Trauma, building a tribe that helps to counter the impact of critical and chronic stress, and adding a few key tactics rooted in positive psychology that have been proven to counter the physiological impact of stress. These workshops are offered in-person and on-demand.
Whether it’s at the kitchen table, on the bumper of a squad car, or at a shift change briefing, the second echelon of care lies within the natural tribe that exists within our organization - the people to the left and right of us. The connection and camaraderie within this tribe has the potential to be the greatest tool that you have for the resiliency and well-being of your people. We educate your people in the Every Person a Peer conversation and help your formal peer support team to encourage the culture of “walking it through early and often” at the ground level.
The third echelon of care resides within the education and approach of your formal peer support team. Far from caped crusaders who come in to save the day after a critical incident response, this team should be championing resiliency at the cultural level. Our 3-Day Organizational Resiliency Specialist Course helps your team to formulate their approach and build a roadmap to a self-sustaining culture of resiliency. From there, we provide additional trainings and consultations to equip your team to face any challenge that is thrown at your organization.
As part of the training and consultative process for your peer team, we focus heavily on building relationships with culturally-specific community resources that effectively address the needs of your organization. These resources include therapeutic and wellbeing resources, as well as additional educational opportunities that can keep the topic of resiliency and wellbeing fresh within your culture.
Additional Services that we provide for First Responder Organizations:
Landing Page Development
Leadership Training
Critical Incident Response
Red-to-Green Reset Experience
Family Workshops
Key Note & Breakout Conference Sessions
Resiliency Focus Sessions
RG Awe Experience